Upcoming (and past) orienteering events

Dealing with Chaos

Dealing with Chaos

  • Dealing with Chaos, or How to Stay Focused 

  • Saturday, March 15, 2025 10:00 am Mass Start

  • Laurelhurst Park in southeast Portland

  • For CROC members only

As if we didn’t have enough chaos in our lives! This workshop will help you focus, despite lots of people and controls and well, chaos. This course has several short legs, and a mass start will lead everyone off in different directions. The course is Motala style, meaning you get four short course maps of the area, and you do them in order. 

The terrain is pretty easy to navigate, since it’s an urban park. Orienteers of all levels are welcome. The challenge comes right at the start with lots of people and lots of directions.

The more the merrier! 

The training is a benefit to CROC members, and there is no charge. Register by March 13 using the on-line waiver. For questions and suggestions contact trainer Anndy Wiselogle. Once you register, we’ll send you the start location and we’ll save you a map set.

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Stub Stewart State Park Classic

Stub Stewart State Park Classic

Advance online registration is required for this event.

Registration opens March 8.

Quick info

  • Advanced online registration required, deadline March 27, 11:00pm

  • Courses: Five different courses for all skill levels.

  • Times: Map handout opens at 10:30. Start your course anytime between 11:00am and 1:00 pm. All courses close at 3 pm.

  • Everyone welcome, members, nonmembers, families, pets, and youth groups.

  • Courses set by: Mike Holliday and Anndy Wiselogle

  • Event director: Bjorn Freeman-Benson

Event Overview

Stub Stewart State Park is hilly and very forested and one of the meet director’s favorite local maps. The navigational and physical challenges for this event are higher than our typical local CROC meets, so choose your course with this in mind, and start early, especially for the advanced courses. 

We use an electronic scoring and timing system known as “e-punch”. Each entry or team needs to have an e-punch stick. If you don't have your own e-punch stick, the rental cost is included in your registration fee. Using e-punch is easy. You can learn how at the event, or read about e-punch here.

CROC thanks our land management partner Oregon State Parks.


Preliminary Course  Distance / Climb (color codes)

  • White:  Beginner  1.8 km  /  45m

  • Yellow:  Beginner / Intermediate  2.6 km  /  85m  

  • Orange:  Intermediate  3.7 km /  140m

  • Brown: Advanced Short   3.3 km /  120m

  • Green: Advanced Medium   4.3 km  / 180m

The map scale is 1:10,000 with 5 meter contours and was recently re-field-checked by Mike Bruns and Nick Applemans so it is fresh and friendly and ready to go!

New to Orientering? Welcome!

  • Our events are open to both members and non-members. Beginners, families and dogs are welcome.

  • Have a look at our “New to O?” webpage, which covers just about every question you may have.

  • At most events, we offer free beginner clinics (they take about 10 minutes) to teach you everything you need to know. These are typically at half-hour intervals; choose your time slot on the registration page.

  • If you'd like to get reminders about upcoming events, sign up at our newsletter page. (No more than a couple of emails per month, we promise!)

  • Thanks for coming out and trying something new, we think you'll like it!


  • Beginner clinics: 11:00 am and 11:30 am. Choose your preferred time when you register.

  • Course starts: anytime between 11:00 am - 1 pm

  • All courses close: 3:00 pm (controls will be picked up). Everybody must punch in at the finish and download their times even if they do not finish their course. This is how we make sure that everyone returns safely.

Venue Notes

This venue is a very hilly, forest park with lots of vegetation and stumps from past logging operations. The longer courses have substantial amounts of off-trail navigation often through areas with vegetation or debris from past forest thinning operations. Areas with vegetation are shown with different shades of green on your map; lighter green areas are easier to go through and darker green areas are typically best avoided as they are often impassable. Undergrowth areas are shown with parallel green lines; you can go through the areas with widely spaced green lines, but you should probably avoid the areas with tightly spaced green lines. Fortunately, much of the vegetation is still low to the ground from winter dormancy and snow pack, so it is somewhat easier to go through the vegetation in the early spring compared to the summer.

The eastern portion of this park is closed for forest thinning operations. The trails leading into that area are marked as closed. Do not use any closed trails.

The advanced courses are very physical so they were designed a bit shorter than normal. Anyone doing one of the advanced courses will navigate significant distances off trail. If you are doing the green course and prefer shorter off-trail routes up hills instead of longer trail routes, we recommend wearing shoes with studs. 

Because of the heavy vegetation, we recommend that you wear long pants, long sleeves, and gaiters for doing intermediate and advanced courses.

Park ONLY in designated areas. Do not park along the side of the road, you probably will get a ticket, no fun. If the main day use parking area is full, continue about half a mile farther to the overflow parking at the end of the road.

When (not if!) you encounter pools of mud on the trail, please go around the mud. The park requests that we not make the mud pools worse by walking or running through them.

If you often take more than 2 hours to do your course, please start between 11 am and noon to be sure that you finish well BEFORE 3 pm. We recommend that anyone running an advanced course start before noon.

Registration and other costs

Park Fee: Oregon State Parks charges $10 for day use, $30 for a 12 month pass and $50 for a 24 month pass. The day pass fee may be paid at either the welcome center (one mile after entering the park) or at the "iron ranger" fee box in each parking lot (exact change required.)

Event Cost

  • $17 base price - individuals

  • $22 base price - groups of 2 or more

    - Subtract $5 if you’re a member or CROC or other O-club (Join CROC)

    - Subtract $5 if you have your own e-punch (Buy your own epunch)

Online registration link coming here soon

Livelox: GPS tracking and route reviewing tool

CROC uses Livelox, which is an interactive web based tool that enables you to see your exact route/track on the orienteering map, and compare them with other competitors.

Full details here.


All CROC events are put on by volunteers, and the meet director can almost always use some extra hands. Please keep in mind:

  • No prior experience is needed for many of the tasks

  • You can help out AND still run your course of choice

Typical ways to assist are:  helping with starts and finishes, handing out maps, and picking up control flags after the course closes. Typical shifts are one hour.
If you'd like to help, you can choose a task and time shift when you register online. Thanks!


Results are posted to the Events & Results web page a day or two after the event.

Driving directions and location

Latitude longitude coordinates of the event: 45.7414, -123.1864

Copy/paste these coordinates into Google or your smartphone mapping app to get a map and driving directions to the event.

  1. Take Oregon Highway 26 23.8 miles from the intersection of Oregon Highway 217 in Beaverton to Oregon Highway 47 N (see the signs for Vernonia/Clatskanie).

  2. Turn right onto OR-47 N and go 4.1 miles to the entrance to Stub Stewart State Park.

  3. Turn right into the state park and go about 0.5 miles to the Welcome Center where you can purchase a day, 12-month, or 24-month parking pass for your car. If you already have a parking pass, continue to the next step.

  4. Continue another .6 miles to the Hilltop Day Use parking area and park your car.
    Note: If the Hilltop parking area is filled, drive .5 miles further to the Clayhill Horse Staging parking area (park along the side of that area and leave the center area open for horse trailers).

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CROC quarterly board meeting

CROC quarterly board meeting

CROC holds quarterly board meetings. All members may attend.

Meeting dates are generally scheduled for: first Monday of December, March and June, and the second Monday of September, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

The meeting location may vary. Meetings may be online or in-person.

Please go to About > Contact and email us to find out where the next meeting will be, and to confirm the actual date.

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Billy Bob NRE

Billy Bob NRE

Save the date!

Join CROC for a National Ranking Event (NRE) on our newest map near Billy Bob Snow Park, on the eastern slopes of Mt. Hood.

We’ll add more event details here as soon as we can.

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CROC quarterly board meeting

CROC quarterly board meeting

CROC holds quarterly board meetings. All members may attend.

Meeting dates are generally scheduled for: first Monday of December, March and June, and the second Monday of September, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

The meeting location may vary. Meetings may be online or in-person.

Please go to About > Contact and email us to find out where the next meeting will be, and to confirm the actual date.

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Multnomah Village Urban Night-O

Multnomah Village Urban Night-O

Advance online registration is required for this event

  • Makes things fast and easy for YOU on event day (no paperwork or payment)

  • Simplifies processing the results

  • Helps meet directors know how many maps to print

  • See who’s attending, maybe plan a carpool

Quick info

  • Registration deadline: Thursday, Feb 27, 11:00pm

  • Location: Lucky Lab Pub, Multnomah Village, SW Portland 7675 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, 97219

  • Times: Pub opens at 5:00. Map handout starts at 5:30. Plan your route, mass start at 6:00 sharp. Course closes at 7:30 pm. Social hour until 9pm.

  • Course: Score O format. Find as many checkpoints as you can, in any order, within 90 minutes

  • Cost: $12 individuals, $17 teams, ($5 discount for club members)

  • Event Director: Helene and Jaime Wren

Event overview

Come out to Multnomah Village for CROC's annual urban night orienteering! Run or stroll the back streets, alleys, and trails of this SW Portland neighborhood on a night-time urban navigation adventure. This urban course is perfect for those new to orienteering. Both individuals and teams are welcome. We will have a mass start together at sunset and then you will have 90 minutes to run your course, finishing in the dark! After the event, stay for social hour!  Share your route with others and hang out. We've been doing this event for about 15 years, it's always a lot of fun!

New for 2025: MapRun!

  • Using your phone, the MapRun phone app will have the controls/ checkpoints for the course.  While MapRun is preferred there will also be a paper and pencil option with Q&A format to verify each control found.  

  • Learn About MapRun

MapRun - Orienteering using your Smartphone

An exciting new way to enjoy orienteering has arrived in the last couple years. It is now possible to go orienteering as an activity you can do using your smartphone and GPS technology.

MapRun is a smartphone app that can let you download an orienteering event and run it. To participate, you need a Smartphone and have downloaded the MapRun app (available from  Google Play or the App Store) to your GPS-enabled smartphone. For best results, you should use the latest MapRunF version. There is even a MapRunG version intended for Garmin fitness watch users.

Unlike traditional orienteering courses where you find orange and white flags set the day of the event, this course uses permanent objects such as fire hydrants, yard art, and signs. You get a map with about 30 marked checkpoints and with the MapRun app, you will locate each point and the app will log your find.  While the MapRun app is preferred, there will be an optional paper and pencil option with multiple choice questions for those that prefer. 

This is a good event to do as a team as well as individually, so feel free to bring a friend. Beginners, families, and dogs are welcome. Maximum team size is six people.

  • We're starting at dusk, so you’ll have some twilight before it gets fully dark.

  • Be very careful crossing busy streets!  Always give cars the right-of-way, they can’t see you.

  • The finish (at 7:30 on the dot!) is back at the Lucky Lab.  After the run, next comes the fun! Join everyone upstairs from 7:30 to 9:00 for social hour.  Come and share your routes with others and socialize with CROC. CROC has the space reserved for just us, so no one will judge if you are a little sweaty! Food (Pizza!) and drink will be available for purchase. 

Event Rules

  • Mass start at 6:00 pm sharp. Pub upstairs opens at 5:00, map handout is at 5:30. Please arrive early to register and plan your route.

  • You have 90 minutes to find as many checkpoints as you can in any order you like and then return to the finish.

  • You do NOT have to find all the checkpoints.

  • You get one point for each correct answer. (There will be some higher value controls, so plan a route that visits some of those.)

  • A point will be deducted for each minute over the time limit (don't be late!)

  • If you’re on a team, stay together - no splitting up.

  • No GPS enabled devices (phones) are allowed for navigation assistance. The MapRun app is allowed.

  • Participants under age 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

What to bring

  1. A quality flashlight or headlamp with fresh batteries, one for each person on your team. Please keep your light on at all times during the event to increase your visibility.

  2. Clothing appropriate for the weather. Reflective / high visibility clothing is highly recommended.

  3. A watch/phone to be sure you don't take longer than 90 minutes on the course.

  4. A highlighter pen is handy for marking your intended route, hint hint.

New to Orienteering? Welcome!

  • Our events are open to both members and non-members. Beginners, families and dogs are welcome.

  • We will offer a beginner clinic at 5:30 pm at this event, however, please take a close look at the “Event Overview”, and “Event Rules” sections above for all the details.

  • No compass is needed, just decent map reading skills.

  • If you'd like to get reminders about upcoming events, sign up at our newsletter page. (No more than a couple of emails per month, we promise!)

  • Thanks for coming out and trying something new, we think you'll like it!


Advance online registration is required. There is no event day registration.

Registration deadline: Thurs, Feb 27, 11:00pm

Refund policy: full refund if requested more than 48 hours before the start time of the event. Email us to request a refund and we’ll work it out.

Event Cost

  • $12 base price - individuals

  • $17 base price, teams of 2 or more. (Maximum team size is six people.)

    - Subtract $5 if you’re a member or CROC or other orienteering club (Join CROC)


Results will be posted on the Events & Results page a few days after the event.


CROC has a permanent training course established in this area.  If you try it before the night-O, you may have an unfair advantage, hint hint!  See complete details here.

Here’s an example of the permanent course map. The map we use for competitive night O looks a lot like this one.

Multnomah Village permanent orienteering course map example

Map of event location

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Purple Pen - Beyond the Basics

Purple Pen - Beyond the Basics

  • Purple Pen: Beyond the Basics

  • February 12, 2025 7:00-9:00 p.m.

  • For CROC members only

Purple Pen, the software program for designing orienteering courses, is a great program for envisioning, refining, and finalizing orienteering courses. But wait, there’s more! 

After event courses have been finalized, you course designers can dive deeper into the Purple Pen toolbox to format the rest of the map, change scales as needed, and optimize course symbols so your CROC event courses are as accurate and readable as possible.

This workshop will be online, via Google Meet, on Wednesday, February 12, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 

The workshop is hosted by Virginia Church. There will be an introductory demonstration (about 30 minutes). Then you can practice the various operations with materials provided when you sign up. 

This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost. Register here by February 11 and we’ll send you the meeting link and a link to materials to use in the workshop. For questions and suggestions contact trainer Anndy.

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Winter Wander, Memorial Park Wilsonville

Winter Wander, Memorial Park Wilsonville

Advance online registration is required for this event

  • Makes things fast and easy for YOU on event day (no paperwork or payment)

  • Simplifies processing the results

  • Helps meet directors know how many maps to print

  • See who’s attending, maybe plan a carpool

Quick Info

  • Registration deadline: Thurs, Jan 9, 11:00pm

  • Location: Memorial Park, Wilsonville

  • NEW start location: Forest Shelter, see map below

  • Courses: Four different courses for all ability levels, standard point-to-point orienteering.

  • Times: start anytime between 11 AM and 1 PM

  • Event Director: Mike Holliday

Event Location

The event start / finish is the Forest Shelter south of the sports fields, see map below. This is different than previous events at this park.

Event Overview

Enjoy a brisk winter orienteering meet at Memorial Park in Wilsonville, on the banks of the Willamette River. There are blackberries. Long pants / tights / lower leg protection is highly recommended.

CROC thanks our recreation partner Wilsonville Parks.

We use an electronic scoring and timing system known as “e-punch” Each entry or team needs to have an e-punch stick. If you don't have your own e-punch stick, we’ll give you one for free with your clothing donation. Using the e-punch is easy. You can learn how at the event, or read about e-punch here.

New to orienteering? Welcome!

Our events are open to both members and non-members. Beginners, families and dogs are welcome.

  • Have a look at our “New to O?” webpage, which covers just about every question you may have.

  • You can compete as an individual or as a team. Maximum team size is six people.

  • At most events, we offer free beginner clinics (they take about 10 minutes) to teach you everything you need to know. These are typically at half-hour intervals; choose your time slot on the registration page.

  • If you'd like to get reminders about upcoming events, sign up at our newsletter page. (No more than a couple of emails per month, we promise!)

  • Thanks for coming out and trying something new, we think you'll like it!


Course setters: Alison Stone, Glen Cafferty. Vetter: Mark Sandifer

  • White: Beginner (about 2 km, about 10 controls, easy, on-trail and near-trail navigation)

  • Yellow: Beginner/ Intermediate (about 3 km, about 12 controls, easy on-trail and near-trail navigation)

  • Orange: Intermediate (about 4 km, about 15 controls, some off-trail, mostly on-trail navigation)

  • Brown: Short Advanced (about 5 km, about 15 controls, near-trail and off-trail navigation)


  • Beginner clinics 11:00 am and 11:30

  • Course starts: anytime between 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

  • Course closes: 2:00 pm

All teams must check out through the course finish gate before leaving the park, even if the team does not finish the course or returns after the course closes.

Orienteering map of this location from a previous event

See a map here.  Opens Google Drive in a new browser tab


All CROC events are put on by volunteers, and the meet director can almost always use some extra hands. Please keep in mind:

  • No prior experience is needed for many of the tasks

  • You can help out AND still run your course of choice

Typical ways to assist are:  helping with starts and finishes, checking in folks at registration, and picking up control flags after the course closes. Typical shifts are about one hour long.
If you'd like to help, you can choose a task and time shift when you register online. Thanks!


Results will be posted to the Events & Results page a few days after the event.

Registration and other costs

Refund policy: full refund if requested more than 48 hours before the start time of the event. Email us to request a refund and we’ll work it out.

Event Cost

  • $17 base price - individuals

  • $22 base price - groups of 2 or more

    - Subtract $5 for membership in CROC or other O-club Become a CROC member

    - Subtract $5 if you have your own epunch Buy your own epunch

Map and directions

45.3024, -122.7598

Latitude longitude coordinates of the event site. Copy and paste these into a mapping app on your phone or Google maps to get a map and driving directions to this location.

From Portland City Center:

  • I-5 south to Wilsonville

  • Left under the freeway onto Wilsonville Road.

  • Go about 1/2 mile, turn left on Memorial Drive, then an immediate left to enter the park.

  • Note that we are not at the picnic shelter at the top of the park is in previous years. Go down the roads to the sports fields and look for signs.

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Member Training - Fun in Foul Weather

Member Training - Fun in Foul Weather

  • Fun in Foul Weather

  • December 14, 2024 10:00 am mass start

  • Pier Park in North Portland

  • For CROC members only

This practice is to remember how much fun it is to orienteer, even if it’s raining and cold!

Do you know what to wear, and how to hold a compass with mittens on? Which shoes work best in the mud? How do you keep your map from disintegrating in the rain? But most importantly: you can have fun with your orienteering colleagues.

There’s a mass start at 10:00 a.m. - experience the chaos of many running off while you’re trying to find north on your compass. The course is ~3.0 kilometers through an urban park with low hills, some forest, and a popular disc golf course. And if we’re lucky, we’ll get to see a train go through!

We’ll treat you up with cider; your cookies/crackers/cheese are optional. We’ll meet in an open shelter.

  • This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost.

  • Register here by December 12 and we’ll send you the exact starting point.

  • For questions and suggestions contact trainer Anndy.

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CROC Board Meeting

CROC Board Meeting

CROC holds quarterly board meetings. All members may attend.

Meeting dates are generally scheduled for: first Monday of December, March and June, and the second Monday of September, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

The meeting location may vary. Meetings may be online or in-person.

Please go to About > Contact and email us to find out where the next meeting will be, and to confirm the actual date.

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CROC Annual Member Appreciation Party and Annual General Meeting - Please RSVP

CROC Annual Member Appreciation Party and Annual General Meeting - Please RSVP

  • 1945 Northwest Quimby Street Portland, OR, 97209 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Event overview

At the Quimby Lucky Lab in NW Portland (NEW accessible location this year), CROC recognizes all of our great members and volunteers for making another fantastic O-year!  Join us for a free score-O event, pizza, salad, and (no host) beverages.  

The Annual General Meeting will give an update about the state of the club, the slate of nominees for the upcoming CROC Board elections and plans for next year.

As part of the Annual End of Year CROC festivities, we're having a casual urban score-O (just for fun, no results) on the 2023 Kings Heights map.  Stop off at the Lucky Lab to grab a map, try your hand at the short score-O course, then come back for free salad and pizza, yummy beverages, and sharing tales with your fellow CROCers.

Help us and the Lucky lab get ready for the party!


  1. Hear about the state of the club, a summary of the great year we had in 2024 and nominees for the 2025 board.

  2. Look at maps from major events from around the country.

  3. Review the preliminary 2025 event plans and provide feedback, new meet directors and course setters are welcome!

  4. Did we mention free pizza and salad?


  • Score-O: start from the Lucky Lab anytime from from 3:30pm to 4:30 pm

  • Party: 5:00 to 7:00 pm at the Lucky Lab Quimby (room opens at 4pm)

  • There is a pay parking lot at 20th and Raleigh or you can find street parking.  The restaurant does not have a parking lot. Paid street parking in Portland is managed with the Parking Kitty app.  

Score-O Details

  • Map handout from 3:30pm to 4:30pm

  • The start location is in the party room at the Quimby Lucky Lab, come on in and get your map!

  • Depending on weather, you might want to bring a change of clothes and shoes for the party which immediately follows the sprint

Then, join us at the Lucky Lab for food, celebration and our annual meeting!

Have questions? Contact Marsha Holliday

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Member Training - 3 course challenge

Member Training - 3 course challenge

Member Training - 3 Course Challenge

  • Saturday, November 9, 2024 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

  • Southeast Portland

  • For CROC members only

This training event offers three short courses, giving you a chance to practice the skills you've acquired this season on three different maps. The three locations, Reed College, Sellwood Park and Westmoreland Park, are very close to each other in southeast Portland, so travel time between them is minimal. 

The courses will be set by 10:00 a.m., and you have until 4:00 p.m. to do any or all of them. There will not be a trainer at the sites. You can print your own maps or arrange to get (by mail or at a pick-up site) a printed map set. Control points will be marked with garden flags. 

The courses average about 2K each, so the challenge will begin to add up if you choose to do all three. A skill to practice at each start: before looking closely at your map, look around and see where you are. "Punch" the garden flag, then look at your map, orient it, and begin. 

Bonus: a short kid's course will be set up at Westmoreland Park. 

If you're always sorry when an orienteering course is finished, and you always wish you could do another one right away, this training is for you. 

This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost. Register here by November 7, and we’ll email you the maps (or by November 3 if you want us to US mail the maps to you). For questions contact training coordinator Anndy Wiselogle

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Mary S. Young State Park - West Linn

Mary S. Young State Park - West Linn

MSYSP sign.jpg

Advance online registration is required

  • Registration deadline Thursday, Oct 24, 11:00pm

  • Makes things fast and easy for YOU on event day (no paperwork or payment)

  • Simplifies processing the results

  • Helps meet directors know how many maps to print

  • See who’s attending, maybe plan a carpool

Quick info

  • Registration deadline: Thursday, Oct 24

  • Courses: Four different courses for all skill levels. Classic point-to-point orienteering format

  • At this event: Level UP! See below

  • Times: Map handout starts at 10:30. Start your course anytime between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm

  • Everyone welcome, members and nonmembers

  • Event director: Becky Bruns

Event overview

Mary S. Young Park may be the most scenic park you never heard of. The western part of the park features a network of trails winding through a cool shady forest. Near the parking areas, a couple of large open fields offer contour detail, trees, bushes, and other features. The eastern part of the park plunges to the Willamette River on trails that negotiate a dramatically eroded landscape. The river's edge has rock formations, sandy beaches, and islands. All courses will use the trail system; so bring your running shoes. Well, for the longer courses, bring older running shoes. 

We use an electronic scoring and timing system known as “e-punch” Each entry or team needs to have an e-punch stick. If you don't have your own e-punch stick, you can rent one at registration for an additional $5. Using the e-punch is easy. You can learn how at the event, or read about e-punch here.

CROC thanks our land management partner City of West Linn Parks.

New to Orienteering? Welcome!

Our events are open to both members and non-members. Beginners, families and dogs are welcome.

  • Have a look at our “New to O?” webpage, which covers just about every question you may have.

  • At most events, we offer free beginner clinics (they take about 10 minutes) to teach you everything you need to know. These are typically at half-hour intervals; choose your time slot on the registration page.

  • If you'd like to get reminders about upcoming events, sign up at our newsletter page. (No more than a couple of emails per month, we promise!)

  • Thanks for coming out and trying something new, we think you'll like it!

A special feature at this event: Level UP!

This event is designed especially for skill development. You are encouraged to register at the next higher level than you might normally do. Each map will include a “user guide” printed on the back explaining what techniques you can use for various legs. For example:

  • Fly and White courses

    • Orient the map using features

    • Orient the map using a compass

    • Decide which way to go at each control

  • Yellow course

    • Plan your route in several steps

    • Use linear features to cut corners with confidence

    • Use the control description to find the flag

  • Orange

    • Choose between several route options

    • Go off trail using your compass

    • Measure distance and pace count

  • Brown and Green

    • Identify attack points and use precision compass reading to find the flag

    • Use collecting features to thumb along the leg

    • Simplify to cross large distances fast

We’ll have instructors on hand to explain the techniques before you go out to practice them.


(The Fly course is a short, youth-oriented course open to all participants registered for one of the other 4 courses.)

  • Fly: Beginner (about 0.5 km, on-trail and near the event center, suitable for youth navigating on their own for the first time)

  • White:  Beginner (1.2 km, on-trail and near-trail navigation, suitable for youth)

  • Yellow:  Beginner / Intermediate (2.7 km, on-trail and near-trail navigation)

  • Orange:  Intermediate (3.4 km, off-trail and on-trail navigation)

  • Brown:  Advanced (3.2 km, off-trail and on-trail navigation)

  • Green:  Advanced (4.3 km, off-trail and on-trail navigation)

Start Windows

For this event we’re using assigned 30 minute start windows between 11 am and 1 pm. This spreads participants over the entire two hour start window, easing the workload on event volunteers.

Please choose your start window during registration. The earlier you register, the better chance you have of a preferred window. If you arrive early for your start window, you may be asked to wait. If you're late, no worries, we’ll allow you to start when we have an opening. It's a guideline, not a firm rule.


  • Check-in and map pick-up: 10:30 am - 1:00 pm

  • Beginner clinics: Usually 11:00 am and 11:30 am

  • Course starts: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

  • All courses close: 3:00 pm (controls will be picked up)

All teams must check out through the course finish gate before leaving the park, even if the team does not finish the course or returns after the course closes.

Registration and other costs

Refund policy: full refund if requested more than 48 hours before the start time of the event. Email us to request a refund and we’ll work it out.

Event Cost

  • $17 base price - individuals

  • $22 base price - groups of 2 or more

    - Subtract $5 for membership in CROC or other O-club Become a CROC member

    - Subtract $5 if you have your own epunch Buy your own epunch

Livelox - GPS tracking and route review tool

CROC uses Livelox. This is an interactive web based tool that enables you to see your exact route/track on the orienteering map, and compare them with other competitors after your event.

To use this tool, you need to record a GPX track while you are on the course. You can do this with various watch and phone based apps.

See complete Livelox details here.


All CROC orienteering events are put on by volunteers, and the meet director can almost always used some extra helpers. Please keep in mind:

  • No prior experience is needed for many of the tasks

  • You can help out AND still run your course of choice

Typical ways to assist are: helping with starts, checking in folks at registration, and picking up control flags after the course closes.
If you'd like to help you can choose a task and a time shift when you register online. Thanks!


Times are posted to the Events & Results page a few days after the event.

Map and Driving Directions

45.3804, -122.6278

Latitude longitude coordinates of the event site. Copy and paste these into a mapping app on your phone or Google maps to get a map and driving directions to this location.


From Portland City Center:

  1. Get on Macadam South, which runs along the Willamette River on the west bank. (This road is OR 43)

  2. Go south on OR 43 to Lake Oswego, about 6 miles.

  3. From Lake Oswego, continue south on OR 43 about 2.8 miles to the park.

  4. Follow the orienteering signs to the main loop parking lot at the east end of the park.

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Member Training: Working with Different Map Scales

Member Training: Working with Different Map Scales

Member Training: Working with Different Map Scales

  • October 12, 2024 10:00 a.m. - noon

  • Mt. Tabor Park in SE Portland

  • For CROC members only

We’ll get familiar with three map scales commonly used in orienteering meets. Practice using these different map scales on a 2.5 k course at hilly Mt. Tabor. Start between 10:00 and 10:30 a.m; course closes at noon.

This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost. Register here by October 10 and we’ll send you the exact starting point. For questions and suggestions contact trainer Anndy.

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CROC Corn Maze @ Sauvie Island Pumpkin Patch

CROC Corn Maze @ Sauvie Island Pumpkin Patch

Time to renew your membership!

September and October are membership renewal months at CROC; thanks for continuing your support of orienteering!

Renew your membership here.

Advance online registration is required for this event

  • Makes things fast and easy for YOU on event day (no paperwork or payment)

  • Simplifies processing the results

  • Helps meet directors know how many maps to print

  • See who’s attending, maybe plan a carpool

Quick info

  • Date: Sat Oct 5 - Note the EARLY mass start time of 8:00!

  • Online registration required. Deadline October 3, 11 pm.

  • Location: Sauvie Island Pumpkin Patch - big thanks to them for hosting!

  • Courses: Mass start, score-O format (find controls in any order you want within a time limit)

  • Meet director: Brian Hauck

Event Overview

Come on out and try CROC corn maze orienteering at the Pumpkin Patch on Sauvie Island! It’s probably the smallest scale map we’ve ever used, but DANG there’s a lot of route options! It's all the fun of a corn maze but with an extra competitive edge. Family and beginner friendly, as always.

Driving time from Portland city center is about 30 minutes.

  • #1 rule: Stay ONLY on existing paths in the maze and do NOT cut through standing corn.

  • This event starts MUCH earlier than our usual meets, so we can be finished with the course by the time the corn maze opens for business.

  • MASS START time of 8:00am. Map handout starts at 7:00 to give you plenty of time to get ready.

This event will have a map exchange.

  • Complete the main course to find about 20 controls in any order you like.

  • If you want some more fun, you can go back in and try to find some more.

  • Either way, you need to be finished by 9 am, or you lose one point for each minute you're late.

Corn maze orienteering tips

  • Using a highlighter pen to mark your route on the map can be helpful, hint hint.

  • A compass can be useful - it’s very easy to get turned around and lose your reference to North.

  • The map scale will be approximately 1:1200, a much larger scale (more “zoomed in”) than a normal orienteering map. Controls will accordingly be very close together, some just a few seconds apart. Don’t overrun your objective.

  • The orienteering skills of thumbing the map where you move your thumb along to indicate the “you are here” position), and orienting the map (by rotating it to match the terrain in front of you) will be very useful. Read about these two important skills in more detail on our “Beginner’s Guide” page.

  • Please bring: a change of clothes/shoes. Corn mazes can get muddy!


  • Map handout - 7:00-7:45 am (Yes, it's early! )

  • Instructions - 7:50 am

  • Mass Start - 8:00 am

  • Course Closes - 9:00 am

Costs - (prices include the $8 entrance fee into the Pumpkin Patch maze)

  • $25 base price - individuals

  • $30 base price - groups of 2 or more

    - Subtract $5 for membership in CROC or other O-club

Directions and map to event site

45.6415, -122.7895

Latitude longitude coordinates of the event site. Copy and paste these into a mapping app on your phone or Google maps to get a map and driving directions to this location.

Driving time from Portland city center is about 30 minutes.

16511 NW Gillihan Rd, Portland, OR 97231

From Portland City center:

  1. Drive west on Highway 30 about 9.7 miles.

  2. Take a right turn and cross the bridge to Sauvie Island.

  3. Take an immediate left, circle under the bridge, and go about 2.3 miles on NW Gillihan Rd to the Pumpkin Patch.

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Mt Hood Daze
to Sep 29

Mt Hood Daze

2024 Mt. Hood Daze

2 days of orienteering near Mt. Hood and the Columbia River Gorge

Registration is closed as we have reached our participant limit. PARTICIPANTS/START TIMES

For more event details, including lodging recommendations, see the latest bulletin, which you can print and bring to the event (internet and cell phone coverage is spotty or non existent at our event sites).

    • Bulletin 1 - Introductions to venues, detailed directions, lodging recommendations, registration information, special rules

    • Updated 9/27/24  - Bulletin 2 - Updated course stats! Bulletin 1 plus course stats, hazard info, start times

Welcome to the first Mt. Hood Daze event featuring a long-time favorite map of Catherine Creek, and a brand new map of the wilderness area around the Billy Bob Snow Park.

For 2024, we will focus just on the orienteering courses at these two venues without arranging for any product sales or banquet dinners.

We will provide suggestions for lodging and restaurants in our bulletins but participants need to make their own arrangements for those things. We encourage participants to join in with others while socializing after the events. There is a lot to enjoy in this Mt. Hood and Columbia River Gorge region while you rest between events.

Catherine Creek regional event

The Catherine Creek map was first created around 2010 and it covers 4 square kilometers of mostly open grasslands that include occasional copses and a few mostly open forested areas. Much of this venue is a moderately sloped hillside rising above the Columbia River, but there is also a deep canyon with rocky cliffs that divides two rising portions of this parkland. The western portion of the parkland includes many smaller rocky cliffs that runners will have to decide whether to climb or go around them.

Although you can often see long distances at this venue, the topography includes many mounds, depressions, and spurs that can sometimes make it difficult to follow bearings and find controls. The southern portion of the park is more vegetated with more limited views of the land. Much of this venue is very rugged with rocky surfaces that can twist ankles--if you need ankle protection, wear it. Most of this venue has incredible views of the Columbia River Gorge.

    • Courses, classes, and maps (see the printable bulletins for details)

      • Recreational courses (white, yellow, orange, brown, green, and red)

      • Starts and finishes are planned to be located by the main parking area.

      • Catherine Creek is NOT a national ranking event (NRE) but it is a great warm up for the NRE at Billy Bob the next day.

      • This venue is embargoed only for 24 hours before the event while courses are being set.


      • GPS Coordinates: 45.7105, -121.3620 (detailed directions in the bulletins)

      • Located across the Columbia River from the town of Hood River, OR and 7.5 miles east from White Salmon, WA.

      • Parking is limited. Please carpool so that you don't have to use the overflow parking located about 1 mile from the event center.

    • Starts are from 11 AM to 1 PM. Your start time begins when you punch the start. Courses close at 4 PM.

    • Staff

      • Director: Tony Pinkham

      • Course Setters: Jill/Rick McBee and Julie Pohl

      • Vetters: TBD

Billy Bob National Ranking Event (NRE)

The open forest and scattered trees of the Billy Bob area, Mt. Hood National Forest

The Billy Bob map was created in August of 2024 for this event and it covers 6 square kilometers of US Forest Service land at 1100 to 1500 meters of elevation. This area is mostly open forest and scattered trees, but there are mapped denser vegetation patches and tree fall areas that are marked as dark green/fight and are best avoided. The area includes many prominent point features (including some large rocky features) that can be used for navigation.

The mapper, Yves Nager, felt that the western portion of this map has some of the most technical yet runnable terrain that he has mapped in three decades of mapping. Fortunately, if you get lost or disoriented, you'll find that there are  forest roads bordering the northern, western, and southern edges of the map. A scout camp borders much of the eastern portion.

  • Classes, courses, and maps (see the printable bulletins for details)

    • Billy Bob national ranking and recreational event

      • Standard Orienteering USA competitive gender-age classes for individuals wanting national ranking

      • Open color classes for individuals wanting national ranking on the course of their choice (not determined by their age)

      • Recreational classes (rec-white, rec-yellow, rec-orange, rec-brown, and rec-green) for individuals or groups wanting to orienteer on their choice of courses without national ranking

      • Starts will probably be remotely located

      • Finishes Will probably be located by the main parking area

      • This venue is embargoed until the event occurs

    • Location

      • GPS Coordinates: 45.4038, -121.4517 (detailed directions in the bulletins)

      • Located 26 miles south of Hood River, OR and then 10 miles east of Hwy 35.

      • Parking is limited. Please carpool.

    • Starts are from 11 am to 1 pm. Your start time begins when you punch the start. Courses close at 4 pm. Participants who change their start time or not guaranteed a full three hours to do their course.

    • Staff

      • Director: Tony Pinkham

      • Course Setters: Alison Crocker and Mike Bruns

      • Vetters: John Crowther

      • OUSA Course Consultant: David Tallent

Registration begins in mid August. Late registration (and higher fees) occur from Sept 6 to Sept 24. All registration is online and there will be no registration at the event.

To see who has registered, click here

Volunteering opportunities abound for our event-day functions, such as event center setup, check in, starts, parking control, and control pickup. Let us know if you can help. Thank you!

Lodging can be found at various hotels near Hood River, OR; Government Camp, OR; and White Salmon, WA as well as at various campsites in the region. See the bulletins for more details.

Questions? Email either Registration or the Event Director

A rocky outcrop on the Billy Bob map, Mt Hood National Forest

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Member training: Plan Ahead

Member training: Plan Ahead

  • September 14, 2024 10:00 a.m. - noon

  • Laurelhurst Park in SE Portland

  • For CROC members only

This training is to practice planning ahead. You’ll get a short course that has a long leg, followed by two short legs. You use the long leg to plan how you will navigate the short legs. This way you will save time - but you have to concentrate! We’ll be in an urban park, so you can’t get lost.

This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost. Register here by September 12 and we’ll send you the exact starting point. For questions and suggestions contact trainer Anndy.

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CROC Board Meeting

CROC Board Meeting

CROC holds quarterly board meetings. All members may attend.

Meeting dates are generally scheduled for: first Monday of December, March and June, and the second Monday of September, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

The meeting location may vary. Meetings may be online or in-person.

Please go to About > Contact and email us to find out where the next meeting will be, and to confirm the actual date.

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Champoeg State Park

Champoeg State Park

Advance online registration is required for this event

  • Makes things fast and easy for YOU on event day (no paperwork or payment)

  • Simplifies processing the results

  • Helps meet directors know how many maps to print

  • See who’s attending, maybe plan a carpool

Quick info

  • Advance online registration required, deadline Thursday, Aug 1, 11:00pm

  • Courses: Six different courses for all skill levels. Classic point-to-point orienteering format

  • Times: Map handout opens at 10:30. Start your course anytime between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm.

  • Everyone welcome, members and nonmembers

  • Event director: Adrianna Stone

Event Overview

On the banks of the Willamette River, Champoeg State Park is large and mostly flat. An interesting variety of terrain should make for some fun orienteering! Due to enthusiastic stinging nettles in parts of the course, wearing long pants or running tights is highly recommended on the intermediate and advanced courses.

We use an electronic scoring and timing system known as “e-punch”. Each entry or team needs to have an e-punch stick. If you don't have your own e-punch stick, the rental cost is included in your registration fee. Using e-punch is easy. You can learn how at the event, or read about e-punch here.

CROC thanks our land management partner Oregon State Parks.

New to Orienteering? Welcome!

Our events are open to both members and non-members. Beginners, families and dogs are welcome.

  • Have a look at our “New to O?” webpage, which covers just about every question you may have.

  • At most events, we offer free beginner clinics (they take about 10 minutes) to teach you everything you need to know. These are typically at half-hour intervals; choose your time slot on the registration page.

  • If you'd like to get reminders about upcoming events, sign up at our newsletter page. (No more than a couple of emails per month, we promise!)

  • Thanks for coming out and trying something new, we think you'll like it!

Start Windows

For this event we’re using assigned 30 minute start windows between 11 am and 1 pm. This spreads participants over the entire two hour start window instead of a big rush at the beginning, easing the workload on event volunteers.

Please choose your start window during registration. The earlier you register, the better chance you have of a preferred window. If you arrive early for your start window, you may be asked to wait. If you're late, no worries, we’ll allow you to start when we have an opening. It's a guideline, not a firm rule.


  • Beginner clinics: 11:00 am and 11:30 am. Choose your preferred time when you register.

  • Course starts: anytime between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm

  • All courses close: 3:00 pm (controls will be picked up)

(All teams must check out through the course finish area before leaving, even if the team does not finish the course or returns after the course closes.)

Livelox route recording

An option at this event is to record your route on a GPS equipped device (typically a phone or watch), and then upload your track recording to Livelox so you can compare your route against others. It's a great training tool and fun to use. Learn more about Livelox here.


  • White:  Beginner (about 2.7 km, on-trail and near-trail navigation)

  • Yellow:  Beginner / Intermediate (about 3.1 km, on-trail and near-trail navigation)

  • Orange:  Intermediate (about 3.9 km, climb 20 m, off-trail and on-trail navigation)

  • Brown: Advanced Short (about 3.7 km, climb 20 meters, mostly off-trail navigation)

  • Green:  Advanced Long (about 5.4 km, climb 30 meters, mostly off-trail navigation)

  • Blue: Advanced Mucho Long (about 8.6 km, climb 50 meters, mostly off-trail navigation)

Registration and other costs

Park Fee: Oregon State Parks charges $5 for day use, $30 for a 12 month pass and $50 for a 24 month pass. The day pass fee may be paid at the entrance station before you enter the park.

Event Cost

  • $17 base price - individuals

  • $22 base price - groups of 2 or more

    - Subtract $5 for membership in CROC or other orienteering club

    - Subtract $5 if you have your own e-stick

Become a CROC member   -   Buy your own epunch



All CROC events are put on by volunteers, and the meet director can almost always use some extra hands. Please keep in mind:

  • No prior experience is needed for many of the tasks

  • You can help out AND still run your course of choice; most tasks take 1 hour or less

Typical ways to assist are:  helping with starts and finishes, handing out maps, and picking up control flags after the course closes. Typical shifts are one hour.
If you'd like to help, you can choose a task and time shift when you register online. Thanks!


Results are posted to the Events & Results web page a day or two after the event.

Driving directions and location

Latitude longitude coordinates of the event: 45.2482, -122.8940

Click these coordinates for a Google map link, or copy/paste these coordinates into Google maps or your smartphone mapping app to get a map and driving directions to the event.

  1. From Interstate 5, take the Donald exit (Exit 278).

  2. Follow the signs to Champoeg Park: Drive west on Ehlen Road. Go about 3.6 miles.

  3. Turn right on Case Road. Go about 1.4 miles.

  4. Turn left on Champoeg Road. Go about 0.9 miles.

  5. Turn right into the park at the entrance. Follow the orienteering signs to the event start area.

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Member Training: Five Techniques for Intermediate and Advanced Orienteers

Member Training: Five Techniques for Intermediate and Advanced Orienteers

  • Five Techniques for Intermediate and Advanced Orienteers

  • August 3, 2024 10:00-11:00 a.m. 

  • Champoeg Park, before the CROC meet

  • For CROC members only

There are several navigation skills that an orienteer learns and uses, such as  orienting the map, taking bearings, and matching thump to the terrain. This workshop goes beyond that with five specific techniques for reaching control features. We’ll see collecting features, attack points, handrails, aiming off, and catching features on demonstration maps to explain the concepts. This is a “classroom” training meaning we’ll be sitting around a picnic table reading maps, and not traveling through the terrain. We will be outdoors. There will be a map exercise to explore best routes on several legs. 

This workshop is for people who have completed at least the Yellow level course. If you have done a course with a leg that stumped you, bring the map and we’ll put our heads together to find a good route.

This training is at Champoeg Park before the CROC meet, so you have the opportunity to apply these newly learned skills.

This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost. Register here by August 1, 2024, and we’ll send you the exact starting point. For questions and suggestions contact trainer Anndy Wiselogle.

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Member Training Short Course: Gabriel Park

Member Training Short Course: Gabriel Park

  • Member Training Short Course: Gabriel Park

  • Wednesday, July 24, 2024 6:30-8:00 p.m.

  • Gabriel Park in southwest Portland

  • For CROC members only

Come to the last of the Wednesday evening Short Courses in July for a little practice and exercise on a summer evening. Start between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. and finish by 8:00. There is no cost, no e-punch timing, no results, just fun.

This sprint course will be about 2.5 km. The terrain is typical urban park with a fair amount of variety.

This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost. Register here by July 22. For questions and suggestions contact trainer Mike Poulsen or training coordinator Anndy.

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Member Training Short Course: Sellwood Park

Member Training Short Course: Sellwood Park

  • Member Training Short Course: Sellwood Park

  • Wednesday, July 17, 2024 6:30-8:00 p.m.

  • Sellwood Park in southeast Portland

  • For CROC members only

The third of CROC’s Wednesday evening Short Courses in July offers a little practice and exercise on a summer evening. Start between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. and finish by 8:00. There is no cost, no e-punch timing, no results, just fun.

Sellwood Park is an urban park on the bluff above the Willamette River. The course will take you to both areas, but don’t worry, not in the water.

This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost. Register here by July 15. For questions and suggestions contact trainers Del or Erik Scharffenberg or training coordinator Anndy.

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Milo McIver State Park

Milo McIver State Park

Advance online registration is required

  • Registration deadline Thursday, July 11, 11:00pm

  • Makes things fast and easy for YOU on event day (no paperwork or payment)

  • Simplifies processing the results

  • Helps meet directors know how many maps to print

  • See who’s attending, maybe plan a carpool

Quick Info

  • Registration deadline: Thursday, July 11

  • Courses: Five different courses for all skill levels. Classic point-to-point orienteering format

  • Times: Map handout starts at 10:30. Start your course anytime between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm

  • Everyone welcome, members and nonmembers

  • Event director: Mike Holiday and Bjorn Freeman-Benson

Event overview

Come out and enjoy orienteering on the varied terrain of this large riverside park. McIver State Park is a 1,600+-acre park with many miles of trails winding along the Clackamas River, near Estacada, OR. The park is very accessible, yet large enough to give participants a feeling of "getting out there." There is a nice mix of paved paths, open fields, and wooded areas. The terrain is both flat and hilly. 

We use an electronic scoring and timing system known as “e-punch” Each entry or team needs to have an e-punch stick. If you don't have your own e-punch stick, you can rent one at registration for an additional $5. Using the e-punch is easy. You can learn how at the event, or read about e-punch here.

CROC thanks our land management partner Oregon State Parks.

New to Orienteering? Welcome!

Our events are open to both members and non-members. Beginners, families and dogs are welcome.

  • Have a look at our “New to O?” webpage, which covers just about every question you may have.

  • At most events, we offer free beginner clinics (they take about 10 minutes) to teach you everything you need to know. These are typically at half-hour intervals; choose your time slot on the registration page.

  • If you'd like to get reminders about upcoming events, sign up at our newsletter page. (No more than a couple of emails per month, we promise!)

  • Thanks for coming out and trying something new, we think you'll like it!


Course setters: Alison Stone, orange and green. Becky Bruns, white and yellow.

  • White: Beginner (1.9 km, 10 controls, ~65m climb; easy, on-trail and near-trail navigation)

  • Yellow: Beginner/ Intermediate (3.0 km, 13 controls, ~50m climb; easy on-trail and near-trail navigation)

  • Orange: Intermediate (4.2 km, 13 controls, ~65m climb; some off-trail, mostly on-trail navigation)

  • Brown: Short Advanced (4.2 km, 14 controls, ~85m climb; near-trail and off-trail navigation)

  • Green: Long Advanced (5.6 km, 17 controls, ~125m climb; near-trail and off-trail navigation)

Start Windows

For this event we’re using assigned 30 minute start windows between 11 am and 1 pm. This spreads participants over the entire two hour start window, easing the workload on event volunteers.

Please choose your start window during registration. The earlier you register, the better chance you have of a preferred window. If you arrive early for your start window, you may be asked to wait. If you're late, no worries, we’ll allow you to start when we have an opening. It's a guideline, not a firm rule.


  • Check-in and map pick-up 10:30 am - 1:00 pm

  • Course starts 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

  • All courses close 3:00 pm (controls will be picked up)

All teams must check out through the course finish gate before leaving the park, even if the team does not finish the course or returns after the course closes.

Registration and other costs

Park Fee: Oregon State Parks charges $5 for day use, $30 for a 12 month pass and $50 for a 24 month pass. The day pass fee may be paid at the entrance station before you enter the park.

Refund policy: full refund if requested more than 48 hours before the start time of the event. Email us to request a refund and we’ll work it out.

Event Cost

  • $17 base price - individuals

  • $22 base price - groups of 2 or more

    - Subtract $5 for membership in CROC or other O-club Become a CROC member

    - Subtract $5 if you have your own epunch Buy your own epunch


All CROC orienteering events are put on by volunteers, and the meet director can almost always used some extra helpers. Please keep in mind:

  • No prior experience is needed for many of the tasks

  • You can help out AND still run your course of choice

Typical ways to assist are: helping with starts, checking in folks at registration, and picking up control flags after the course closes.
If you'd like to help you can choose a task and a time shift when you register online. Thanks!


Times will be posted to the Events & Results page a few days after the event.

Map and directions to event

Latitude longitude coordinates of event:  45.2994, -122.3837

Copy and paste these latitude longitude coordinates (in decimal degree format) into Google maps or your smart phone to get a map and driving directions to the event.

  1. From Portland City Center, go to Clackamas on I-205.

  2. Take Hwy 224 east to Estacada.

  3. At the east end of town, take a right onto Hwy 221, Woodburn-Estacada Hwy. (This will be a bridge over the Clackamas River.)

  4. In 1 mile, turn right onto S Hayden Road.

  5. In 1.2 miles, turn right onto S Springwater Road.

  6. In 0.7 miles turn right onto S Entrance Road to the park.

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Member Training Short Course: Hoyt Arboretum

Member Training Short Course: Hoyt Arboretum

  • Member Training Short Course: Hoyt Arboretum

  • Wednesday, July 10, 2024 6:30-8:00 p.m.

  • Hoyt Arboretum in SW Portland

  • For CROC members only

  • Also: short White course (0.5 - 1 km) course for kids.

The Training Committee offers four Wednesday evening Short Courses in July for a little practice and exercise on a summer evening. Start between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. and finish by 8:00. There is no cost, no e-punch timing, no results, just fun.

Hoyt Arboretum is a wonderful treed forest. The course will be mostly on paths, with some challenges you didn’t expect. The map is recently revised.

This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost. Register here by July 8. For questions and suggestions contact trainer Virginia Church or training coordinator Anndy.

The short white course is designed by Ali Crocker.

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Member Training: Short Course: Council Crest

Member Training: Short Course: Council Crest

  • Member Training: Short Course: Council Crest

  • Wednesday, July 3, 2024 6:30-8:00 p.m.

  • Council Crest in SW Portland

  • For CROC members only

The Training Committee offers four Wednesday evening Short Courses in July for a little practice and exercise on a summer evening. Start between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. and finish by 8:00. There is no cost, no e-punch timing, no results, just fun.

Council Crest offers some trails, some urban park area, and fantastic views, if you bring the sunshine. Expect a little red-white-and-blue on this July 3 course.

This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost. Register here by July 1. For questions and suggestions contact trainer Brian Hauck or training coordinator Anndy.

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Willamette Mission State Park

Willamette Mission State Park

Advance online registration is required for this event.

  • Makes things fast and easy for YOU on event day (no paperwork or payment)

  • Simplifies processing the results

  • Helps meet directors know how many maps to print

  • See who’s attending, maybe plan a carpool

Quick info

  • Advance online registration required, deadline Thursday, June 6, 11:00pm

  • Courses: Offering courses for all skill levels. Classic point-to-point orienteering format

  • TImes: Map handout opens at 10:30. Start your course anytime between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm.

  • Intermediate training clinic for CROC members: Control Description Symbols at 10 am.

  • Everyone welcome, members and nonmembers

  • Event director: Mike Holliday and director in training Tere Endburg.

  • Course design (orange, brown & green) Alison Crocker

Event Overview

On the banks of the Willamette River, Willamette Mission is large and mostly flat. There is a mix of runnable open fields and trails through dense forest. Due to enthusiastic stinging nettles in some areas of the park, wearing long pants or running tights is highly recommended on the intermediate and advanced courses.

We use an electronic scoring and timing system known as “e-punch”. Each entry or team needs to have an e-punch stick. If you don't have your own e-punch stick, the rental cost is included in your registration fee. Using e-punch is easy. You can learn how at the event, or read about e-punch here.

CROC thanks our land management partner Oregon State Parks.


Our events are open to both members and non-members. Beginners, families and dogs are welcome.

  • Have a look at our “New to O?” webpage, which covers just about every question you may have.

  • At most events, we offer free beginner clinics (they take about 10 minutes) to teach you everything you need to know. These are typically at half-hour intervals; choose your time slot on the registration page.

  • If you'd like to get reminders about upcoming events, sign up at our newsletter page. (No more than a couple of emails per month, we promise!)

  • Thanks for coming out and trying something new, we think you'll like it!


For this event we’re using assigned 30 minute start windows between 11 AM and 1 PM. This spreads participants over the entire two hour start window instead of a big rush at the beginning, and Increases space between competitors running the same course.

Please choose your start window during registration. The earlier you register, the better chance you have of a preferred window. If you arrive early for your start window, you may be asked to wait. If you're late, no worries, we’ll allow you to start when we have an opening. It's a guideline, not a firm rule.


  • 10:00-11:00 a.m.  Intermediate Workshop: Control Description Symbols.

  • Beginner clinics: 11:00 am and 11:30 am

  • Course starts: anytime between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm

  • All courses close: 3:00 pm (controls will be picked up)

(All teams must check out through the course finish area before leaving, even if the team does not finish the course or returns after the course closes.)


Course designers: Alison Crocker, orange and above, Debby Wenzel, white and yellow

There is close to zero climb on all courses.

  • White:  Beginner (1.9 km, 10 controls, on trail navigation))

  • Yellow:  Beginner / Intermediate (3.7 km, 12 controls, on-trail and near-trail navigation)

  • Orange:  Intermediate (3.6 km, 9 controls, controls off-trail, moderate

    navigational challenge)

  • Brown: Short Advanced (3.7 km, 10 controls, controls off-trail, high navigational


  • Green:  Advanced (5.5 km, 15 controls controls off-trail, high navigational


Intermediate workshop - Control description symbols

Learn what the control symbols are and how to use them to locate your control For CROC members only, no fee. Time, 10:50 am. After the clinic, there's plenty of time for you to do your course. Register for the workshop here.


Park Fee: Oregon State Parks charges $5 for day use, $30 for a 12 month pass and $50 for a 24 month pass. The day pass fee may be paid at the entrance station before you enter the park.

Event Cost

  • $17 base price - individuals

  • $22 base price - groups of 2 or more

    - Subtract $5 if you’re a member or CROC or other O-club (Join CROC)

    - Subtract $5 if you have your own e-punch (Buy your own epunch)


CROC uses Livelox, which is an interactive web based tool that enables you to see your exact route/track on the orienteering map, and compare them with other competitors.

By seeing the routes other people took, where you went, and where things went good or bad for you, you can learn and become a better orienteer.

To use this tool, you need to record a GPX track while you are on the course. This can be done with many phone apps and GPS watches. After the event, you can log into your free account, upload your track, and review your course.

See a link to the Livelox tracks from the Results page.

Questions? Email John Crowther 


All CROC events are put on by volunteers, and the meet director can almost always use some extra hands. Please keep in mind:

  • No prior experience is needed for many of the tasks

  • You can help out AND still run your course of choice

Typical ways to assist are:  helping with starts and finishes, handing out maps, and picking up control flags after the course closes. Typical shifts are one hour.
If you'd like to help, you can choose a task and time shift when you register online. Thanks!


Results are posted to the Events & Results web page a day or two after the event.

Driving directions and location

Latitude longitude coordinates of the event:

45.0797, -123.0306

Click these coordinates for a Google map link, or copy/paste these coordinates into Google maps or your smartphone mapping app to get a map and driving directions to the event.

Driving directions from Portland:

  • From Portland city center, take I-5 south about 35 miles. Take exit 263, and head west.

  • Go west about 4 miles then take a right on Wheatland Road.

  • Go north on Wheatland Road about 4 miles, and turn left turn into the park.

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Member Training: Control Description Symbols

Member Training: Control Description Symbols

  • Control Description Symbols

  • June 8, 2024

  • 10:00-11:00 a.m. 

  • Willamette Mission State Park, before the meet

For CROC members only

Just what are those funny symbols, and what do I do with them? Learn the system of control descriptions and how they help you locate controls in an orienteering meet. We’ll meet together to learn the symbols and how they’re organized. After the workshop, you can apply your knowledge on the orienteering course.

This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost. Register here by June 6 and we’ll send you the exact starting point. For questions and suggestions contact trainer Anndy.

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CROC Board Meeting

CROC Board Meeting

CROC holds quarterly board meetings. All members may attend.

Meeting dates are generally scheduled for: first Monday of December, March and June, and the second Monday of September, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

The meeting location may vary. Meetings may be online or in-person.

Please go to About > Contact and email us to find out where the next meeting will be, and to confirm the actual date.

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Hamilton Island

Hamilton Island


  • Makes things fast and easy for YOU on event day (no paperwork or payment)

  • Simplifies processing the results

  • Helps meet directors know how many maps to print

  • See who’s attending, maybe plan a carpool


  • Online pre-registration required, no event day registration

  • Registration deadline: Friday, May 17, 11:00pm

  • Location: Hamilton Island near Cascade Locks in the Columbia River Gorge - map

  • Courses: Four different courses for all skill levels. Classic point-to-point orienteering format

  • Start: Anytime between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm

  • Event Director: Ken and Debbie Wenzel


Hamilton Island was initially "discovered" for Americans by Lewis and Clark in 1805, and they named it Strawberry Island. That name was eventually changed to Hamilton Island in honor of a Samuel M. Hamilton, a nearby land owner in the mid 1800s. The island stopped being a real island in the 1970s when construction debris for the Bonneville North Power house filled in one of the surrounding waterways.

The terrain is mostly wide open in all directions with scattered copses. There is one large low hill to go around or climb multiple times. There are marshy areas, some thickets, and shorelines. You can enjoy beautiful river gorge views and lots of wildlife.

You may encounter blackberry vines and thistles. Lower leg protection / gaiters are recommended on the more advanced courses.

We use an electronic scoring and timing system known as “e-punch”. Each entry or team needs to have an e-punch stick. If you don't have your own e-punch stick, the rental cost is included in your registration fee. Using e-punch is easy. You can learn how at the event, or read about e-punch here.

CROC thanks our land management partner the US Army Corps of Engineers.


For this event we’re using assigned 30 minute start windows between 11 am and 1 pm. This spreads participants over the entire two hour start window instead of a big rush at the beginning, easing the workload on event volunteers.

Please choose your start window during registration. The earlier you register, the better chance you have of a preferred window. If you arrive early for your start window, you may be asked to wait. If you're late, no worries, we’ll allow you to start when we have an opening. It's a guideline, not a firm rule.


Our events are open to both members and non-members, and beginners are welcome.

  • Have a look at our “New to O?” webpage, which covers just about every question you may have.

  • At most events, we offer free beginner clinics (they take about 10 minutes) to teach you everything you need to know. These are typically at half-hour intervals; choose your time slot on the registration page.

  • If you'd like to get reminders about upcoming events, sign up at our newsletter page. (No more than a couple of emails per month, we promise!)

  • Thanks for coming out and trying something new, we think you'll like it!


  • Check in and map handout: opens at 10:30 am

  • Beginner clinics: 11:00 am and 11:30 am

  • Course starts: anytime between 11:00 am - 1 pm

  • All courses close: 3:00 pm

    (All teams must check out through the course finish area before leaving, even if the team does not finish the course or returns after the course closes.)


  • White (beginners and kids) about 2 km, navigationally easy, all on trails

  • Yellow (novice) about 3 km, navigationally easy, mostly trails, with simple route choices

  • Orange (intermediate) about 4 km, navigationally more difficult with route choices

  • Brown (short advanced) about 5 km, (off trail navigation) more elevation gain with more challenging route choices. Leg protection recommended.

  • Green (advanced): about 6 km, (off trail navigation) most elevation gain with more challenging route choices. Leg protection recommended.


All CROC events are put on by volunteers, and the meet director can almost always use some extra hands. Please keep in mind:

  • No prior experience is needed for many of the tasks

  • You can help out AND still run your course of choice

Typical ways to assist are:  helping with starts and finishes, handing out maps, and picking up control flags after the course closes. Typical shifts are one hour.
If you'd like to help, you can choose a task and time shift when you register online. Thanks!


Advance online registration is required. There is no event day registration.

Application deadline: Friday, May 17, 11:00pm

Refund policy: full refund if requested more than 48 hours before the start time of the event. Email us to request a refund and we’ll work it out.

Event Cost

  • $17 base price - individuals

  • $22 base price, teams of 2 or more

    - Subtract $5 if you’re a member or CROC or other O-club (Join CROC)

    - Subtract $5 if you have your own e-punch (Buy your own epunch)


CROC uses Livelox, which is an interactive web based tool that enables you to see your exact route/track on the orienteering map, and compare them with other competitors.

By seeing the routes other people took, where you went, and where things went good or bad for you, you can learn and become a better orienteer.

To use this tool, you need to record a GPX track while you are on the course. This can be done with many phone apps and GPS watches. After the event, you can log into your free account, upload your track, and review your course.

See a link to the Livelox tracks from the Results page.

Questions? Email John Crowther 


Results are posted to the Events & Results web page a few days after the event.

Driving directions and map to event

Latitude longitude coordinates of event: 45.6337, -121.9788

Click for a Google map, or copy/paste these latitude longitude coordinates into Google maps or your smartphone mapping app to get a map and driving directions to the event.


  • There will NOT be a CROC sign on Highway 14, as the locals like to (ahem) remove them. 

  • The event center is at the baseball field in North Bonneville, NOT at the parking lot near the river as in the past few years. See directions and map below.

Driving directions from Portland (allow about 1 hour):

  1. Drive east on I 84, take Exit 44 at Cascade Locks.

  2. Cross the Bridge of the Gods into Washington (Toll $2).

  3. Turn left (west) onto Hwy 14 and go approx. 4 miles.

  4. Turn left at the Chevron station in the town of North Bonneville.

  5.  In 200 feet, take a right onto Cascade Dr. Follow the blue signs to the ball field.  In 0.4 miles, take a left onto Portage Drive.  Go to the end of Portage Drive.

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Member training: Compass use for Orienteering

Member training: Compass use for Orienteering

  • Compass Use for Orienteering

  • Saturday, May 4, 2024 10:00 a.m. - noon

  • Pier Park in North Portland

  • For CROC members only

    Learn and practice orienting the map, using bearings to locate controls, and judging distance to know where you are on the map. This two-hour workshop is useful for new members and everyone who wants to hone their compass skills. As with other trainings, this is open to CROC members only, and there is no additional fee.

    Bring your compass, or borrow one at the training.

    Register online here before May 2. For questions, email trainer Anndy Wiselogle.

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Lacamas Park

Lacamas Park

Advance online registration is required for this event

  • Makes things fast and easy for YOU on event day (no paperwork or payment)

  • Simplifies processing the results

  • Helps meet directors know how many maps to print

  • See who’s attending, maybe plan a carpool

Quick info

  • Courses: Fice different courses for all skill levels. Classic point-to-point orienteering format.

  • TImes: Map handout opens at 10:30. Start your course anytime between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm

  • Everyone welcome, members and nonmembers

  • Event director: Mike Holliday and Mike Reid


Welcome to the Lacamas Lake Park orientering meet! Lacamas Park is a large wooded area near Camas, WA. The park is hilly, with a complex network of canyons and spurs. Cliffs and rock outcrops are abundant.

There is an extensive trail network. Open rocky areas showcase wildflowers; however most of the vegetation is lush, and trail running skills will come in handy. Route choices for all courses are primarily on trail.

Note that there is poison oak in the park. Long pants and/or gaiters are recommended for the advanced courses.

We use an electronic scoring and timing system known as e-punch. Each entry or team needs to have an e-punch stick. If you don't have your own e-punch stick, the rental cost is included in your registration fee. Using e-punch is easy. You can learn how at the event, or read about e-punch here.

CROC thanks our land management partner Lacamas Park.


  • Our events are open to both members and non-members. Beginners, families and dogs are welcome.

  • Have a look at our “New to O?” webpage, which covers just about every question you may have.

  • At most events, we offer free beginner clinics (they take about 10 minutes) to teach you everything you need to know. These are typically at half-hour intervals; choose your time slot on the registration page.

  • If you'd like to get reminders about upcoming events, sign up at our newsletter page. (No more than a couple of emails per month, we promise!)

  • Thanks for coming out and trying something new, we think you'll like it!


For this event we’re using assigned 30 minute start windows between 11 AM and 1 PM. This spreads participants over the entire two hour start window instead of a big rush at the beginning, encourages social distancing. and eases the workload on event volunteers.

Please choose your start window during registration. The earlier you register, the better chance you have of a preferred window. If you arrive early for your start window, you may be asked to wait. If you're late, no worries, we’ll allow you to start when we have an opening. It's a guideline, not a firm rule.

Intermediate Workshop for CROC Members:

Matching Map to Terrain: Map Symbols and Keeping in Touch with the Map

This no-cost workshop for CROC members will train people to understand the map symbols and to navigate through an intermediate course. We’ll work together as a group and do a “walk-about” observing features in the park. We’ll be done by 11:00 am with plenty of time for you to do a course.

See more here, and register for the training here.


  • Member training, 10 AM to 11 AM, see above.

  • Beginner clinics: 11:00 am and 11:30 am. Choose your preferred time when you register.

  • Course starts: start windows between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm

  • All courses close: 3:00 pm (controls will be picked up)

(All teams must check out through the course finish area before leaving, even if the team does not finish the course or returns after the course closes.)


  • White:  Beginner (about 1.6 km, 12 controls, on-trail and near-trail navigation)

  • Yellow:  Beginner / Intermediate (about 2.3 km, 12 controls, on-trail and near-trail navigation)

  • Orange:  Intermediate (about 3.5 km, 12 controls, 105 m climb)

  • Brown: Short Advanced (about 3.6 km, 11 controls, 75 m climb)

  • Green:  Long Advanced (about 5.1 km, 17 controls, 125 m climb)

Course Setter's Notes (Amy Winston)

The thick vegetation in the park requires course route choices to be primarily on trails. The Park has closed a trail to the lower falls to replace a damaged footbridge. The courses have been designed to avoid the trail closure and still provide plenty of orienteering challenge and fun. There is some climb and some steep slopes on the Orange, Brown and Green courses, but the climb is not excessive. 

Here is the link to the Livelox GPS track visualization tool  https://www.livelox.com/Events/Show/125100/CROC-Lacamas-April-2024 for Lacamas. It will go live at 4:00 PM on the event day. Everyone who can record a GPS track on their personal device is encouraged to upload their track (see below for more information).


Event Cost

  • $17 base price - individuals

  • $22 base price - groups of 2 or more

    - Subtract $5 if you’re a member or CROC or other O-club (Join CROC)

    - Subtract $5 if you have your own e-punch (Buy your own epunch)


CROC uses Livelox, which is an interactive web based tool that enables you to see your exact route/track on the orienteering map, and compare them with other competitors.

By seeing the routes other people took, where you went, and where things went good or bad for you, you can learn and become a better orienteer.

To use this tool, you need to record a GPX track while you are on the course. This can be done with many phone apps and GPS watches. After the event, you can log into your free account, upload your track, and review your course.

See a link to the Livelox tracks from the Results page.

Questions? Email John Crowther 


All CROC events are put on by volunteers, and the meet director can almost always use some extra hands. Please keep in mind:

  • No prior experience is needed for many of the tasks

  • You can help out AND still run your course of choice

Typical ways to assist are:  helping with starts and finishes, handing out maps, and picking up control flags after the course closes. Typical shifts are one hour.
If you'd like to help, you can choose a task and time shift when you register online. Thanks!


Results are posted to the Events & Results web page a day or two after the event.


The park area is north of Camas, WA; on the east side of Washington SR 500/SE Everett  Rd. PLEASE PARK IN THE OVERFLOW PARKING LOT. This lot is reached by driving over the bridge between Round Lake and Lacamas Lake, turning right on 35th Ave, then left into the large gravel lot. Start is across street. Restrooms - walk south across the pedestrian bridge to the restroom building.  See map below.

Look for the orange and white “sandwich board signs when you get close.

Note: There is a new TRAFFIC CIRCLE near the park entrance, please use caution.

Latitude longitude coordinates of the event:

45.6055, -122.4058

Copy/paste these latitude longitude coordinates into Google maps or your smartphone mapping app to get a map and driving directions to the event.

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Member Training: Matching Map to Terrain: Map Symbols and Keeping in Touch with the Map

Member Training: Matching Map to Terrain: Map Symbols and Keeping in Touch with the Map

Matching Map to Terrain: Map Symbols and Keeping in Touch with the Map

  • April 20, 2024 10:00-110:00 a.m. before course meet

  • Lacamas Lake Park near Camas, Washington

  • For CROC members only

In this workshop we’ll learn the orienteering map symbols, including contour lines and terrain features, and how to use them to navigate to your destination. We’ll do a walk-about through the terrain and be back by 11:00 with plenty of time to do a course. This is good for new members and people who want to strengthen their map-reading skills.

This training is for CROC members only; there is no cost. Register here by April 18 and we’ll send you the exact starting point. For questions and suggestions contact trainer Anndy.

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